Specialising in digital transformation

We understand the importance of the digital sphere and have the drive to go to significant measures
in making digital become an everyday lifestyle for a business, audience and consumer.

Digital culture

The culture of a business is the lifeblood for any success. Pigeon plans will partner with our clients to build the culture and capabilities you need to move forward, whether in becoming agile, finding the value in digital or changing mindsets.

We're happy to get your wings flapping with:

What we do ?

Being a success in the new-age global business world with its rapidly changing markets, nuances in digital culture and consumer expectations can bring an almighty challenge.

At Pigeon Plans, our core conviction is bringing change where change is needed and helping businesses grow and thrive in the digital age. We aim to help our clients harness the power of data, optimise new trends and to revolutionise when necessary. We look to innovate products and strategise for sustained operations, new technology and digital experiences within the culture.

Our process

We look to apply digital to solve challenges and unlock value whether we are aiding a
product launch, strategy, support or digital transformation, we are skilled with
the best practices and approaches to bring your best outcomes.
We offer comprehensive consultation services (including research and analysis) to review where you are on your path to success and how we can help you rise.

Our assessment examines your audience and how we speak to them. We are here to help find that vision and create that strategy.

Face-to-face interviews with clients and customers

Our interpersonal touch will look to really understand your and customers/clients’ needs

Surveys, focus groups and shadowing sessions to evaluate product status

We offer in-depth focus groups on analysing where you as a business are and where you need to go next.

Agile training

o To many, it’s a word. To us it’s a way of life. Becoming Agile is more than just the process; we will help you with it all! Fully certified, hands-on guidance to becoming more iterative

Strategy mapping and functional mapping workshops

Strategy mapping and functional mapping workshops; working with clients to strategise to find and achieve their goals . Where the fun begins, where we sit down and roadmap to growth

Vision and re/discovery

o For some it is in play, for others its needs to be discovered our services can provide that innovation

How we do it?


We look to apply digital to solve challenges and unlock value whether we are aiding a product launch, strategy, support or digital transformation, we are skilled with the best practices and approaches to bring your best outcomes.

We offer comprehensive consultation services (including research and analysis) to review where you are on your path to success and how we can help you rise.

Our assessment examines your audience and how we speak to them. We are here to help find that vision and create that strategy.

Face-to-face interviews with clients and customers

Our interpersonal touch will look to really understand your and customers/clients’ needs

Surveys, focus groups and shadowing sessions to evaluate product status

We offer in-depth focus groups on analysing where you as a business are and where you need to go next.

Agile training

o To many, it’s a word. To us it’s a way of life. Becoming Agile is more than just the process; we will help you with it all! Fully certified, hands-on guidance to becoming more iterative

Strategy mapping and functional mapping workshops

Strategy mapping and functional mapping workshops; working with clients to strategise to find and achieve their goals . Where the fun begins, where we sit down and roadmap to growth

Vision and re/discovery

o For some it is in play, for others its needs to be discovered our services can provide that innovation


We look to apply digital to solve challenges and unlock value. We offer comprehensive consultation services (including research and analysis)  to review where you are in your path to success and how we can help you rise. Our assessment examines your audience and how we speak to them. We are here to help find that vision and create that strategy. Whether we are aiding a product launch, strategy, support or digital transformation, we are skilled with the best practices and approach to bring your best outcomes.

Design and development

Our design and development offerings combine in-depth knowledge of UX design with digital architecture to provide the best product to the platforms of your choice

We will be there from concept to launch and beyond. We aim to adapt as we soar through principles in Agile development. We ensure we are transparent and collaborative, so we reach your goals.


Collaboration to us is a partnership of what it is for you, why is it for you and its value. Even to user stories we carry out, you are part of the process, so we are agreed in our delivery.


We ensure our ideation stage is transparent; our research and consultancy get you prepared. Your customer’s insight is apparent in our goals, and as we define, we make sure you are with us, so you see between the clouds.

Discovery report

Research of concept

Validation and consultancy

Customer engagement

User interface design

User workflows

App development

Web development

Discovery report

Research of concept

Validation and consultancy

Customer engagement

User interface design

App development

User workflows

Web development

As a client of ours: our plan is your plan.
Even in the midst of user personas to prioritising product features, we won’t stop until we agree to an MLP (minimum loveable product). Our approach to ‘fail fast’ will calculate when we can go to market rapidly. Allowing for learnings to shape the on-going development process leading to your product cycle soaring.

Specialising in designing and building Apps

We understand the importance of real estate on a mobile device and go to significant measures in making apps that become an everyday lifestyle for a mobile device consumer.

Improving and support

At Pigeon Plans, we believe in “embracing change” whether that be ever-evolving markets and the user’s trends. Suppose your business requires continuous improvement or support services (operational support or technical development resource). In that case, we are here to carry the load. Whether we are helping the onboarding process or roll out of a product can be there to hold your hand.

We can assist you in specific areas of need

Digital transformation

Identification of required staff and training

User onboarding

User acquisition

Data gathering

Digital strategy

Email and social marketing


Innovation will always be a drive; with data, it can bring focus. At Pigeon Plans,we know the importance of a metric.
Our quantified results can give meaning; We would look to work with you to review the data that is out there and
created. Our evaluations of data plan to keep a continuous dialogue with your audience.

Development – new ideas trends



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